Australian Model Railway Association NSW Inc.

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About AMRA

The Australian Model Railway Association (AMRA) is an organisation of modellers who are interested in model railways of all scales and gauges, from the smallest to the largest (12" to the foot). Members come from all Australian states and some from overseas. The aims and objectives of the Association are to foster interest in the hobby and to assist all those interested.

AMRA is an Australia-wide Incorporated Association which promotes contact and friendship between members by the activities of its various State Branches and Sub-Branches. The AMRA NSW Branch, also incorporated, is best known for its annual Model Railway Exhibition each October but at its clubrooms in Mortdale, it also holds regular meetings with running nights, model building competitions, modelling clinics and more.

Other AMRA Branches are located in Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.

Keeping Members in Touch

Members of AMRA NSW and other interested subscribers keep up with events at the Clubrooms with Mortdale Matters, a regular email newsletter.

All members of AMRA receive a bi-monthly (six times per year) publication, Journal, which prints members' articles, letters, hints and tips, photographs etc as well as providing members' "for sale" and "wanted" classifieds free of charge. Journal is edited and printed by members of the AMRA Victorian Branch as a Print Post Approved publication.

This NSW Branch website is another medium by which the NSW Branch hopes to accomplish some of the aims and objectives of AMRA: namely, to publicise the club, fostering the continuance of the model railway hobby in Australia.

Branch Officers 2023/2024

ELECTED President Rhonda George
Vice President James Percival
Secretary Nathan Hines
Treasurer Damien George
Committee Members x3 David Kimpton  
  Philip Lee
  Aaron Hobson


Journal Sub-Editor Rhonda George
Building Manager Peter O'Brien
Librarian Sally Oustland
Open Days Co-ordinator TBA
Exhibition Roster Clerk TBA
Mortdale Matters Editor Rhonda George
Webmaster Damien George
O Gauge (Permanent) Ihor Hinczak
N Gauge Richard Sinton
Stoney Creek (HO Permanent) James Percival
East Matelend (HO Exhibition) Andrew Murphy
U-Drive Bill Whale

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AMRA NSW is dedicated to promoting the hobby of model railways throughout New South Wales.
These pages last updated 4 June, 2024 by Damien George.